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infrastructure and



The founders of the company, Antonio Gilberto Ricardo de Oliveira and Antonio Aparecido Batista Pereira, are specialized in the commercialization of citrus with the industries and internal market since 1985. They began the exportation of their products with the export of Tahiti lime in 1996, aiming the Expansion of markets and customers.
With the growth of export sales, in 2005 Gibran Exporters of Citrus fruit Ltda expanded its facilities to a large space located in the city of Itápolis, in the countryside of the State of São Paulo- Brazil, with two processing units - "Packing houses”, being one exclusive for the processing and packaging of the fruit destined for export and the other destined for the fruit of internal market.


Legenda da Imagem.

With an infrastructure able to meet large demands, Gibran Exporters of citrus fruit Ltda aims to satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers, having as main characteristics regularity, responsibility and honesty.